Welcome to ICWE2023, the 16th ICWE
Welcome to Florence!
Florence, August 24th, 2023
Dear friends and colleagues of the Wind Engineering community, as academics, professional and corporate officers,
Welcome to Florence, Bienvenues à Florence, Willkommen in Florenz, Bienvenidos/as a Florencia !
Benvenuti/e a Firenze!
After 2 years of intense preparation and having decided to resume the ICWE as a fully on-site conference, ICWE16 is warmly welcoming You back to Europe – namely to the cradle of European Renaissance – in a few weeks from now.
We are really excited to announce You that ICWE16 has broken any previous record of attendance in in IAWE Conferences history, having reached 720 registered participants. The conference will be organized in 6 plenary sessions, 8 Minisymposia, 115 technical sessions arranged into 7 tracks each day, 3 poster sessions, accommodating 553 papers and 45 posters.
Thank You all for this great demonstration of confidence. You might be sure: we shall not delude Your trust!
Florence (with Italy and Europe) will welcome You warmly, not only because of the temperature outside: 14 years after the EACWE (2009) and 12 years after ICWE13 in Amsterdam (2011), together with its University, with ANIV (Italian Association for Wind Engineering) and CRIACIV (Inter-University Research Centre on Building Aerodynamics and Wind Engineering) communities, our city will open its treasures and cultural attractions in order to comfortably host You while attending the 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering.
Therefore, we are glad to welcome you in Florence at the downtown Congress Hall, Palazzo dei Congressi Villa Vittoria, immediately by side of the S Maria Novella (Central) train station, i.e. in the very heart of the city.
We hope you enjoy the Conference and your stay in Florence!
Claudio Borri
Gianni Bartoli
In this page you can find all updated conference programmes
Should you have missed, you can download the conference useful letter sent on August 24th to all registered participants
Important Dates
Abstract submission closing: |
January 31st, 2023 at 12:00 CET |
Notification of abstract acceptance: |
March 31st, 2023 |
Early bird registration fee (closing): |
NEW Programme inclusion deadline*
* This is the ultimate registration and payment deadline for your contribution to be included in the conference programme (either oral or poster presentation).
Download the First Announcement & Call for Papers
Updated to March 6, 2023
The 19th International Advanced School on Wind Engineering (IAS19)
Florence, September 1 – 2, 2023 – read more…